Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I'm studying Native Americans. This is my latest discovery.

Teepees were designed in the shape of a triangle. They were always in different sizes. Why? I think it's because they didn't have anything to measure with. They could have had something to measure with and just had different size Indians.

Before they had fences, they would dig holes around their land. If an animal fell in, the Indians could eat it. They got it out by using poles with string down the middle, in the shape of a 'U'. They would pull the string and the animal would pop out of the hole. The holes were also used to protect themselves from enemies.

Friday, September 01, 2006


I love running, kick ball, reading and history. I love sweets and sweeties. I love swimming. I actually went swimming today. I did lots of front flips and dives.

We are actually going to Florida on September 11th. We have 11 more days! I love Florida! Last time I got to go to a restauarant that had all of Elvis' songs listed. I wrote them all down in my vacation journal. I got my ears pierced. This year I want to do something really fun. I think I'm going to get a Brat doll, but I don't want the neighbor boys to make fun of me. So that's why I might.

I love writing. I hope that when you read it, you can understand what I'm thinking.